Verizon: Minute 50

For Super Bowl 50 we created the #Minute50 campaign to reward VZW customers every hour on Minute 50 starting January 24 through February 7, 2016.

The campaign ran both nationally and locally in San Francisco and treated fans to experiences with NFL players on-site and an immersive experience called Game Winner.
Awards: Bronze Clio Sports for Game Winner

Adweek Project Isaac Award, Best Practices - Sports MarketingPress: AdweekVibeEvent MarketerVerizonPR NewsirePhone ArenaBenchmark MonitorAPGlobal GrindDigital TrendsBloombergHuffington PostESPN RadioMad RadioThe TJ ShowSirius XMAtTheBuzzerNBC Sports Radio

50 Yard Catch with Drew Breeze

game winner

We provided fans with an all-star experience throughout Super Bowl Week at the Verizon Access Zone, which features "Game Winner" an interactive and immersive experience that places fans "in the game" for a chance to throw a game-deciding pass

  • Brand: Verizon
    Project: Minuet50
    Agency: Momentum

  • Creative Director: Joe Kantrowitz

    Sr Art Director: Anthony Baxter / Michael Costa

    Sr Copywriter: Craig Seyboth / Gregory Webber

  • Experiential, interactive, Super Bowl

  • Clio - Bronze Sports
    Adweek Project ISSAC - Best Practices, Sports Marketing


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